Wild Mustangs
I will never forget the first time I saw wild mustangs in their natural habitat. It took my breath away. I literally found myself holding my breath. Perhaps afraid that if I moved at all I would wake up and find that the moment was not real. That moment would change me. Watching these magnificent animals interact. Beginning to understand the complex family bonds that extend generations. Seeing the vast knowledge needed to not only survive, but to thrive in harsh environments being passed down from generation to generation.
You do not have to spend but a few minutes watching the mustangs in the wild to understand the global fascination and love for these breathtaking animals. They steal your heart in moments. It is something that reaches in and touches your soul. That place in all of us that yearns to be ‘wild and free.’ There are few wild animals as iconic as the wild mustangs.
For information about the challenges facing these majestic animals explore the links below; There are many.
If things continue as they have this year there is a very real risk that Mustangs in the wild will be extinct by the end of this decade if not sooner. They need our help.
Horseplay 1 of 5
Horseplay 2 of 5
Horseplay 3 of 5
Horseplay 4 of 5
Horseplay 5 of 5
Firestorm - Onaqui South Herd
The Family
Lancelot - Onaqui Herd
Shaikh - Band Stallion in the Onaqui Herd
Celeste - Lead mare in Shaikhs band
Body Language
South Herd Drama I
Billy the Badger - While not a mustang he is a local resident and cohabitates with the South Herd. He and his family were quite curious.
Pixie and her new filly Herit - Onaqui North Herd
South Herd Drama II
Sheldon - A young bachelor in the North Onaqui herd. A real charismatic youngster.
Theo - Closeup
Theo and Friends
Pixie, Herrit and Grandmother
Pixie, Herrit and Grandmother II
Caspian and Patches on Caspian's Birthday
Caspian and Family
Patches, Caspian and Auntie
Three Generations
The Greeting
Grooming TIme
Lukas and Caramel I
Lukas and Caramel II
Old Gray
Old Gray Closeup